Artistas del Wellness Fest – Vilcabamba 2025
marzo 2, 2025Jay Schumacher
Bienestar Mental y Emocional
Consciousness and the Nature of Personal Reality - Inspired Dialogues
By design, this will be an intentionally facilitated, potentially mind expanding metacognitive experiment.
Within this process, specific thought-provoking topics pertaining to the nature of personal reality will be introduced and (at times) expanded upon by the facilitator. By design all participants will have the opportunity to share (or not share) their thoughts, experiences, and insights.
The intention behind this offering is to expand collective awareness, amplify hope for the future of humanity and the planet, and to share potentiating information.
Here we shall endeavor to enter a stream of meaning - flowing among us and through us and between us—a flow of meaning in the whole group, out of which will emerge some new understanding, something creative. When everybody is sensitive to all the nuances going around, and not merely to what is happening in one’s own mind, there forms a meaning which is shared. And in that way we can talk together coherently and think together. It is this shared meaning that is the “glue” or “cement” that holds people and societies together.
In a dialogue such as this there is no attempt to gain points, or to make your particular view prevail. It is more a common participation, in which people are not playing a game against each other but with each other. In a dialogue, everybody wins.
Facilitator Bio:
Jay Schumacher, CHt is a Master Clinical Hypnotherapist, Counselor, Transformational Life Coach, and specialist in the field of human potential. His private practice is focused on self-realization and personal empowerment via re-education and re-integration of the conscious and subconscious mind. Formally educated in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Jay’s practice of more than 20 years is a unique synthesis of therapeutic techniques and scientific principles. It is holistic and inclusive of hypnotic regression, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), bioenergetics, and gestalt therapy to name but a few. Jay’s techniques are continually refined to embrace contemporary knowledge from neuroscience, epigenetics, psychoneuroimmunology, and psychology. Other key components include bio/psycho accumulation and environmental optimization. Born and raised in the United States Jay has spent the last two decades traveling the world and living abroad.
Consciousness and the Nature of Personal Reality - Inspired Dialogues
By design, this will be an intentionally facilitated, potentially mind expanding metacognitive experiment.
Within this process, specific thought-provoking topics pertaining to the nature of personal reality will be introduced and (at times) expanded upon by the facilitator. By design all participants will have the opportunity to share (or not share) their thoughts, experiences, and insights.
The intention behind this offering is to expand collective awareness, amplify hope for the future of humanity and the planet, and to share potentiating information.
Here we shall endeavor to enter a stream of meaning - flowing among us and through us and between us—a flow of meaning in the whole group, out of which will emerge some new understanding, something creative. When everybody is sensitive to all the nuances going around, and not merely to what is happening in one’s own mind, there forms a meaning which is shared. And in that way we can talk together coherently and think together. It is this shared meaning that is the “glue” or “cement” that holds people and societies together.
In a dialogue such as this there is no attempt to gain points, or to make your particular view prevail. It is more a common participation, in which people are not playing a game against each other but with each other. In a dialogue, everybody wins.
Facilitator Bio:
Jay Schumacher, CHt is a Master Clinical Hypnotherapist, Counselor, Transformational Life Coach, and specialist in the field of human potential. His private practice is focused on self-realization and personal empowerment via re-education and re-integration of the conscious and subconscious mind. Formally educated in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Jay’s practice of more than 20 years is a unique synthesis of therapeutic techniques and scientific principles. It is holistic and inclusive of hypnotic regression, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), bioenergetics, and gestalt therapy to name but a few. Jay’s techniques are continually refined to embrace contemporary knowledge from neuroscience, epigenetics, psychoneuroimmunology, and psychology. Other key components include bio/psycho accumulation and environmental optimization. Born and raised in the United States Jay has spent the last two decades traveling the world and living abroad.
Consciousness and the Nature of Personal Reality - Inspired Dialogues
By design, this will be an intentionally facilitated, potentially mind expanding metacognitive experiment.
Within this process, specific thought-provoking topics pertaining to the nature of personal reality will be introduced and (at times) expanded upon by the facilitator. By design all participants will have the opportunity to share (or not share) their thoughts, experiences, and insights.
The intention behind this offering is to expand collective awareness, amplify hope for the future of humanity and the planet, and to share potentiating information.
Here we shall endeavor to enter a stream of meaning - flowing among us and through us and between us—a flow of meaning in the whole group, out of which will emerge some new understanding, something creative. When everybody is sensitive to all the nuances going around, and not merely to what is happening in one’s own mind, there forms a meaning which is shared. And in that way we can talk together coherently and think together. It is this shared meaning that is the “glue” or “cement” that holds people and societies together.
In a dialogue such as this there is no attempt to gain points, or to make your particular view prevail. It is more a common participation, in which people are not playing a game against each other but with each other. In a dialogue, everybody wins.
Facilitator Bio:
Jay Schumacher, CHt is a Master Clinical Hypnotherapist, Counselor, Transformational Life Coach, and specialist in the field of human potential. His private practice is focused on self-realization and personal empowerment via re-education and re-integration of the conscious and subconscious mind. Formally educated in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Jay’s practice of more than 20 years is a unique synthesis of therapeutic techniques and scientific principles. It is holistic and inclusive of hypnotic regression, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), bioenergetics, and gestalt therapy to name but a few. Jay’s techniques are continually refined to embrace contemporary knowledge from neuroscience, epigenetics, psychoneuroimmunology, and psychology. Other key components include bio/psycho accumulation and environmental optimization. Born and raised in the United States Jay has spent the last two decades traveling the world and living abroad.
This information has been included in the facilitaor bio.
The more each individual understands the nature of personal reality, the more empowered they become to positively affect that reality.
All is connected. What affects one part of life affects all of life.