The Congress of Wellbeing

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More than 30 international and national experts will address key issues on:

✨ Physical, emotional and mental health
✨ Food sovereignty and conscious nutrition
✨ Ancestral medicine and alternative therapies
✨ Environmental care and regenerative practices
✨ Personal and community transformation

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Wellness Arts Festival 

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More than 70 artists on stage

🎤 Live music of genres ranging from traditional music to electronic music, including the most avant-garde.
💃 Contemporary and folkloric dance that reflects our roots and the expressions of the present.
🎨 Visual art exhibitions of local and international painters, sculptors and photographers.
🎭 Theatre, performance and poetry that invite us to reflect, connect and heal.
🌿 Art in the open air in a natural environment that enhances creativity and inspiration.

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Entrepreneurship and Wellbeing Fair

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More than 70 artists on stage

🎤 Live music of genres ranging from traditional music to electronic music, including the most avant-garde.
💃 Contemporary and folkloric dance that reflects our roots and the expressions of the present.
🎨 Visual art exhibitions of local and international painters, sculptors and photographers.
🎭 Theatre, performance and poetry that invite us to reflect, connect and heal.
🌿 Art in the open air in a natural environment that enhances creativity and inspiration.



wellness fest 2021

Do you know how the idea of celebrating the encounter between medicines and ancestral knowledge with alternative Western health practices was born in a time when fear reached almost every corner of the planet?

wellness fest 2023

In the 2nd edition of the Wellness Fest we strengthened the academic component through the 1st Wellness Congress.

Likewise, we grew in the number of participants, visitors and days of the event.