Crystal Sun Healing Arts
Professional services
Leo McFee
- holistic therapies
- Spiritual Therapies
I am opening a Crystal Healing practice in downtown Vilcabamba called Crystal Sun Healing Arts. I will be offering individual Crystal Healing Grid Sessions, Ear Candling, Gemstone Essence healing sessions, Vogel Crystal Light Bed sessions, and in-person Crystal Healing classes.
I will also be offering Gemstone Essences for sale as well. This festival was recommended to me by Arianne Koven and my friend Elizabeth Wood. I would love to have a small table to introduce myself to the community. I would like your recommendation though, I do not speak Spanish, only English.
So, I am open to any thoughts on that, I feel a little nervous about that but would love to be a part of it. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Short of sharing a booth with someone bilingual.