Artists of the Wellness Fest – Vilcabamba 2025
March 2, 2025Catalina Maria Uribe Leon
Education and Training in Well-Being
Eco Pedagogy for Life
The importance and urgency of an education oriented towards caring for life in all its expressions for the integral development and expansion of the potential of humans (young and old), to strengthen values in the social fabric and to care for our Mother Earth.
Catherine Rukmini
Mother, teacher, agricultural engineer from the National University of Colombia and graduate in environmental education from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, activist for the Earth and a healthy lifestyle, teacher with experience in various alternative educational centers such as Colegio Ideas de Cali, Bosque escuela Jamundí, Academia Vaisnava, Escuela intercultural Nasa and Eco aldeas in Colombia and Ecuador. Currently director and teacher of the Eco Club for Kids.
Since my university education 18 years ago, in practice as a teacher for 15 years and in my explorations and deepening in complementary topics such as permaculture, yoga, meditation and natural health
For well-being to exist in any sense, a conscious education to support it is essential.