Artists of the Wellness Fest – Vilcabamba 2025
March 2, 2025Eleyya Paredes
The andean moon chakana a way of knowing out body and andean archetypes
All we know the sun chakana and de Festiviries related about, but the knowledge of female chakana was a mystery.
In this workshop we see the archetypes about the andean region and their powers, time and way of transforming us from the moon rhythm.
Male and Female have complementary ways to share, the chakana is the sacred geometry to bring us the medicine of time and rhythm understand this can teach us about our personal yanantin, masintin way of life.
This knowledge is shared by Eleyya Paredes (Samiliawi Pachamawtay) is a traditional mildwife, yachak and student of traditional medicine, ayurveda consultant and TCM practitioner, She learn about partnership and relationships to bring a beautifull and integrated information for parents, childrens, and people about ancient way of life.
This knowledge of the lunar chakana, which I learned throughout my training, is an alternative to understand women's cycles with an Andean tool with Andean archetypes, since much is known about the feminine archetypes of other cultures and that is practically not shared regarding the subject, likewise the solar chakana shares with us a vision of the masculine archetypes regarding the position of the sun and that dance between the sun and the moon.
We conducted this workshop in the Achik Muyu community in Quito with adolescents to understand the menstrual cycle of their peers.
Sumak Kawsay is living in the present, that gift of life, knowing the energetic movement that sustains us month after month and year after year since the beginning of time gives us a beautiful window to understand ourselves and walk organically with cosmic time both inside and out.