Artists of the Wellness Fest – Vilcabamba 2025
March 2, 2025Paola Paredes
Understanding the Moonlight chakana.
See the andean architypicals about the changing and female energy in our bodies, get the knowledge about the moontime and suntime on the chakana sacred geometry.
Recognize the male architypicals and the sun portals for a better Life
I am an Andean doctor recognized by Ecuarunari, a walker of ancestral medicines, a student of traditional Andean midwifery, a practitioner of Kabbalah, herbal gynecology, ancestral Chinese medicine and Ayurveda.
Investigating the shape of the Andean chakana since 2018 together with ancestral medicines and doctors.
Sumak kawsay is learning to move in time and the duality in it, everything is for our benefit to align ourselves chronologically to the algorithmic spiral of life, to both feminine and masculine rhythms, understanding these portals helps us align ourselves with growth.