Musical presentation "Candela ¡Ay na'má!" (Bullerengue)
Natalia Charpantier Duran
Our musical project is called Candela ¡Ay na'má!, which brings from the Colombian tradition to Ecuador a rhythm called bullerengue, which includes drums and ancestral songs of African origin, and which during the time of slavery were adapted to their reality, currently they are composed of lyrics from the daily life of the Afro-Caribbean inhabitants, thus creating various airs of sung dances, which were an important component in the life of the Afro-Colombian descendants in order to transform all the pain and suffering of slavery into joy and revelry.
Bullerengue is music and a way of life that heals, transforms and transmits stories from generation to generation. Its songs, dance and drum sounds move our body and soul, making those who listen and participate in the songs and dance get carried away by the music, achieving a great state of joy and liberation.
It is important to share and spread bullerengue, because these are sounds that move every human being, since we all come from the same origin, therefore Africa and its music are present in the blood and soul of all humanity.
Ecuador, Pichincha