Artists of the Wellness Fest – Vilcabamba 2025
March 2, 2025Siomy Quiñonez Quiñonez
Afro-Ecuadorian Ancestral Medicine
A new and effective source of life. Self-Healing Workshop
Eleyya Paredes
The andean moon chakana a way of knowing out body and andean archetypes
All we know the sun chakana and de Festiviries related about, but the knowledge of female chakana was a mystery.
In this workshop we see the archetypes about the andean region and their powers, time and way of transforming us from the moon rhythm.
Male and Female have complementary ways to share, the chakana is the sacred geometry to bring us the medicine of time and rhythm understand this can teach us about our personal yanantin, masintin way of life.
This knowledge is shared by Eleyya Paredes (Samiliawi Pachamawtay) is a traditional mildwife, yachak and student of traditional medicine, ayurveda consultant and TCM practitioner, She learn about partnership and relationships to bring a beautifull and integrated information for parents, childrens, and people about ancient way of life.
Ana Reyes Jaramillo
Childhood wounds and how to heal them.
SUMMARY: During this workshop, we will explore the Inner Child that we all carry within us, which has wounds originating in childhood. We will explain about childhood wounds, their impact on adult life and how to heal them. Finally, we will conclude with a Guided Visualization or Meditation.
“Healing the wounds of childhood is the mission of our life”
BIOGRAPHY: I am Ana Reyes Jaramillo, Commercial Engineer, with "International Training in Psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology", Quantum Kinesiologist and "Technician in Wellness Practices for Health". Currently, I am the owner of the Holistic Relaxation Center "Armonía", where I offer relaxation and Emotional Release therapies through "A Course in Miracles" and "The Emotion Code", as well as Inner Child Healing, forgiveness therapy, closing cycles with the couple, among others. My goal is to release blocked emotions that impede the flow of energy, thus helping patients develop a better quality of life.
Asha Amber
ReAwaken Recovery
"Enhanced Elixer" elemental and electromagnetic spectrum water infused with consciousness.
ReAwakening RecoVerY :
(To attune and connect synapses in the body and harmonize and align chakras.)
My name is Asha I lived my life in pride in my ability to be fast and efficient. While held in weakness by addictions, lack of trust and doubt. One day in 2020 I was met by divine source I had never known this loving source of light that lifted me up and held me nurturing my soul, I cried tears of relief that I was not alone. I was freed from years addictions and a new path was revealed.
I stand before you humbled by the experience and eager to share with you the techniques and information I have learned to assist your development.
To walk in knowing, communicate with self, connect with divine source and tune your internal navigation, enhance focus, Increase awareness and activate chakras and Energy Centers.
To improve and enhance your gifts of navigation and infinite potential.
Charles Ludeña
Topic: Soil Chromatography
It is a technique that allows the evaluation of soil quality in a simple, economical and practical way. By interpreting the biological, chemical and physical balance of the soil through chromatic patterns. This talk will address what chromatography is, its process, interpretation and its usefulness in the transition towards organic practices, focused on self-sufficiency and respect for ecosystems.
Biography: Charles Fabricio Ludeña Iniguez
A human being, a companion and a father. An agricultural engineer by profession, I graduated from the National University of Loja in 2004, with a master's degree in irrigation obtained in 2016. My training also includes a diploma in organic agriculture. I have around 18 years of experience, my commitment is always to benefit farmers and peasants, always seeking to improve their living conditions through rural development projects, sustainable agriculture, and irrigation management. I have worked as a technician and coordinator in various initiatives that have achieved a social and environmental impact.
Dahlia Bali
1. Playing we understand each other: Games and stories to live
2. Experiential workshop in which we can recognize the importance of play as an adaptation mechanism and of stories as a classic tool within everyone's reach to create connection, compassion and to be fully present even if only for a few minutes.
3. Dalia Bali is a storyteller, nature guide, language and swimming teacher, and mother. Working with children, she understood the importance of play and stories in our lives.
Rosa Manuela Cabrera Tibanta
1. Topic: Indigenous Health Knowledge and Ancestral Wisdom.
2. Summary: Indigenous health and Ancestral wisdom is the heritage left to us by our ancestors, through the knowledge and use of plants, foods, minerals and elements found in Mother Earth, for the healing of our body, soul, spirit and mind, for the psychological and physical healing that affects our body.
3. Biography: My name is Rosita Cabrera and I am 64 years old. I practice medicine and health based on Ancestral knowledge through plants, minerals and elements found in Mother Earth 🌎. I diagnose myself by checking the pulse to diagnose the illnesses and diseases that affect the body, soul and spirit of each patient.
Paola Paredes
Understanding the Moonlight chakana.
See the andean architypicals about the changing and female energy in our bodies, get the knowledge about the moontime and suntime on the chakana sacred geometry.
Recognize the male architypicals and the sun portals for a better Life
Emma Cordero
Byron Carrion
Darina Stoyanova Joy
Making the Best of Artificial Intelligence to Improve Wellbeing, Increase Creativity and Thrive
There are many innovative ways to use Artificial Intelligence / AI for good. You can use it not only to translate instantly for free and find answers to hard questions. It can assist you to create variety of content - from articles, to books, to music, videos and many different types of art. It can even help you heal and thrive. Learn about the latest and most useful and innovative ways to make the best of Artificial Intelligence in your life. Find out what are the AI tools, sites and success stories that you can apply to improve your well-being, boost your creativity and experience more abundance.
Darina Joy is a presenter from the previous Wellness Fest who has a passion to research, explore and experience the latest technological trends and hi tech developments, especially in the wellbeing area. With MBA/MIM degrees, experiences with many holistic modalities and a lifetime on a healing journey herself, she loves to find unique ways to use new technologies, alternative therapies and plant medicines as ways to heal on all levels. She loves sharing those insights, findings and experiences with you and have you turn AI into your best helper, partner and even healer.
Christian Gallardo
The new humanity and our connection to the spirit.
Humanity is experiencing a global awakening of consciousness. Part of this awakening involves understanding the nature of reality, its laws and functioning. Understanding and putting this knowledge into practice is the beginning of wisdom.
This collective step consists of leading lives imbued with wisdom.
This wisdom springs from the heart and is the receptacle of the spirit.
Andres Paladins
Nicola Schaefer
Francisca HUNTING
Tantric Hatha Yoga - A complete practice that includes postures, breaths, meditations, mudras, mantras, bhandas and yantras in order to expand, direct and focus energy
It is a wise and orderly practice that includes postures, breathing, meditations, mudras, mantras, bands and yantras in order to expand energy, direct it and focus it.
FRAN HUNTING - Yoga Instructor, 200 hrs. YTT Hatha Yoga, Rishikesh, India 2018; 200 hrs. YTT Tantric Hatha Yoga, Bali, Indonesia, 2020. I have various studies and certifications in Yoga Nidra, Ayurveda, Anatomy and Meditation.
daniel pugh
Vibrational Healing
Vibration is at the basis of many healing modalities. Learn the essentials of how vibration works to harmonize and bring into balance the frequencies inherent in our body-mind system.
Since ancient times drumming and chanting have been used in ceremony and for healing, the resonant vibrations known to be somehow healing. Today we have many modalities using frequencies for healing. What is it all about? Come and find out.
Byron Tenesaca Guaman
Drawing and Identity
Participants will create a self-portrait using natural pigments while discussing topics related to positive identity development, empowerment, leadership, and our relationship with Mother Earth.
Byron Tenesaca Guaman (Kañari Kichwa) is a bilingual cultural arts educator who has been teaching art for 7 years in kindergarten through 12th grade in the United States. He holds a Master's degree in Integral Education with a concentration in Visual Arts from Western Carolina University. As an educator, Byron weaves together his identities as a visual artist, basket maker, immigrant, storyteller, and father to create spaces for creativity, curiosity, reflection, healing, and empowerment in youth. He is passionate about using art and creativity as tools to amplify indigenous voices and find solutions to current issues facing communities. Byron recently returned to his community in the Andes to work on youth documentation and empowerment projects in arts and crafts.
Catalina Maria Uribe Leon
Eco Pedagogy for Life
The importance and urgency of an education oriented towards caring for life in all its expressions for the integral development and expansion of the potential of humans (young and old), to strengthen values in the social fabric and to care for our Mother Earth.
Catherine Rukmini
Mother, teacher, agricultural engineer from the National University of Colombia and graduate in environmental education from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, activist for the Earth and a healthy lifestyle, teacher with experience in various alternative educational centers such as Colegio Ideas de Cali, Bosque escuela Jamundí, Academia Vaisnava, Escuela intercultural Nasa and Eco aldeas in Colombia and Ecuador. Currently director and teacher of the Eco Club for Kids.
Rodrigo Solano
Rafael Morales
Ramon Ubon Gaba Fall
Presentation of technological innovation in biodiversity conservation to endangered animals such as the jaguar, tapir, howler monkeys and many species
Soledad Carrion
Health and well-being through laughter
The workshop is aimed at young adults and will use laughter therapy, clowning and laughter yoga techniques for 45 minutes to promote an adequate state of physical and mental health.
Exhibitor profile:
Clinical psychologist, master's degree in family therapy, master's degree in psychosocial intervention, PhD student in the community mental health program. Teacher, hospital clown, workshop facilitator and lecturer on mental health issues.
Paola Elizabeth Paredes Izurieta
Female chakana the ancestral connection with the time.
The andean architypicals about the moontime and suntime on the andean region are the teachings about the yanantin and masintin the eternal dance of masculine and feminine energy of the sun and the Moon. Let us know about the cycles and how to be on resonance with.
Eleyya Paredes.
Is a Young ancestral mildwife, traditional Andean medicine practitioner, yoga teacher, mom and ancestral knowledge keeper.
Purikila Liliana Poveda Terán
Ushaypa ñan, the path of power towards ancient Antinian wisdom.
Purikila Liliana Poveda Terán, Mamawa
Hampina Antina, Laya Lumi, Spiritual Guide
Technologist in Ancestral Andean Medicine
Edwin Cantos Sanchez
Brian Hoffman
The focus would be an exploration on "Pathways of the Sacred" examining the flow and cultivation of Life Force within and without.
I would include four other community leaders, all holding a different dimension/perspective of the conversation.
I envision it being around 90 minutes. Ideally it could be sometime between 12 and 3pm on any of the days.
Jay Schumacher
Consciousness and the Nature of Personal Reality - Inspired Dialogues
By design, this will be an intentionally facilitated, potentially mind expanding metacognitive experiment.
Within this process, specific thought-provoking topics pertaining to the nature of personal reality will be introduced and (at times) expanded upon by the facilitator. By design all participants will have the opportunity to share (or not share) their thoughts, experiences, and insights.
The intention behind this offering is to expand collective awareness, amplify hope for the future of humanity and the planet, and to share potentiating information.
Here we shall endeavor to enter a stream of meaning – flowing among us and through us and between us—a flow of meaning in the whole group, out of which will emerge some new understanding, something creative. When everyone is sensitive to all the nuances going around, and not merely to what is happening in one's own mind, there forms a meaning which is shared. And in that way we can talk together coherently and think together. It is this shared meaning that is the “glue” or “cement” that holds people and societies together.
In a dialogue such as this there is no attempt to gain points, or to make your particular view prevail. It is more a common participation, in which people are not playing a game against each other but with each other. In a dialogue, everyone wins.
Facilitator Bio:
Jay Schumacher, CHt is a Master Clinical Hypnotherapist, Counselor, Transformational Life Coach, and specialist in the field of human potential. His private practice is focused on self-realization and personal empowerment via re-education and re-integration of the conscious and subconscious mind. Formally educated in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Jay's practice of more than 20 years is a unique synthesis of therapeutic techniques and scientific principles. It is holistic and inclusive of hypnotic regression, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), bioenergetics, and gestalt therapy to name but a few. Jay's techniques are continually refined to embrace contemporary knowledge from neuroscience, epigenetics, psychoneuroimmunology, and psychology. Other key components include bio/psycho accumulation and environmental optimization. Born and raised in the United States Jay has spent the last two decades traveling the world and living abroad.